Mental Detox

2 min readDec 6, 2020


Affirmations To Get You Through The Lockdowns

No warning signs, our scientists, and economic forecasters didn’t see this coming. The first few months saw humanity reeling under the Covid-19 virus— science did falter a bit on what should and shouldn’t work.

Fast forward to ten months later and we now have several vaccines and therapeutics to reduce the effects of the virus. In addition, lockdowns persist together with new social behaviors intended to reduce the spread of the disease 🤷🏽.

Unfortunately, there is the law of unintended consequences.

Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences — Robert Louis Stevenson.

The global lockdowns stretched the general public in ways you can only imagine. Work from home with almost zero physical interaction has led to a rising wave of a different type of ‘pandemic’ we now have to grapple with: depression, sleep deprivation, anxiety, constant negative mood syndrome, suicidal or addictive behaviors, and domestic violence.

I recall a friend who lost someone to depression in a sad suicide case. It was on the news the next day.

Here’s a mental detox — how I have held my head high through this madness. These affirmations will help you focus your energy on the positive. You’ll find that it gives you a lift almost immediately. I’ve written a few down here. It helps to say this out loud and to replace the personal pronoun with your name. You’ll see how much difference it makes.

Here you go:

  1. I am alive, and I thrive
  2. I am a conduit for peace, love, and joy
  3. My capacity to help others increases every day
  4. I am inspired by everything around me
  5. I am constantly complimented on how original my work is
  6. Each morning gives me room to express myself better
  7. I become more productive with every passing day
  8. I have become an inspiration to many
  9. My creativity flows into every facet of my life
  10. My capacity to innovate is limitless
  11. This lockdown has given me the opportunity to put a smile on someone’s face
  12. I am alive, and I thrive!

I hope this helped.


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